Nonprofit SMS Marketing

How To Choose the Best Nonprofit Text Message Marketing Platform: Tatango vs. Textedly

Choosing the right nonprofit text message marketing platform is crucial for organizations aiming to boost donations and engagement. In this post, we compare two prominent SMS marketing solutions: Tatango and Textedly. While both platforms offer text messaging services, Tatango stands out as the best choice for nonprofits due to its advanced features, tailored support, and proven success in nonprofit fundraising. In this detailed comparison, you’ll discover why Tatango’s unlimited messaging capabilities, nonprofit-specific partnerships, and white-glove service make it the superior option for mid to large-sized nonprofit organizations.

As a nonprofit leader, you understand the importance of effective donor communication. Tatango’s expertise in serving nonprofit organizations ensures that your SMS campaigns not only reach your audience but also drive meaningful engagement and donations. From case studies to real-world testimonials, this post will highlight how Tatango outperforms Textedly in every aspect, providing the insights you need to make an informed decision for your nonprofit’s text messaging strategy.

Tatango vs. Textedly: Best Text Message Marketing Platform for Nonprofits

Not all texting platforms are created equal. Nonprofits have limited budgets and resources and need the right tools and tech stack to maximize efficiency and effectively reach and engage their supporters. 

There are many SMS platforms out there-EZ Text, Simple Text, Tatango and Textedly, to name a few. But few of these platforms understand the specific needs of digital fundraisers and nonprofit organizations, much less are built especially for nonprofits.  

The texting platform you choose should be one that understands the unique needs and goals of nonprofit organizations. For example, if your healthcare-focused nonprofit needs to send a message to employees about a schedule change, or a patient’s portal link to a specific patient, the text message marketing platform needs to be able to meet those unique goals. Suppose your animal welfare organization is creating a Giving Tuesday or year-end giving campaign and wants an omnichannel strategy to engage their supporters across all channels, texting needs to be a part of those goals.

Tatango vs. Textedly comparison chart

 Key Differences Between Tatango and Textedly

Serving multiple industry sectors is a big challenge for a software company.  Textedly serves organizations from real estate to retail, gyms and hospitality organizations, to local and regional sports organizations. A small part of their service offering is geared toward nonprofits, whereas Tatango’s nonprofit text message marketing platform is built for mission-minded organizations

There are 3 challenges that can impact nonprofits when they are considering a nonprofit text message marketing platform like Textedly.  

  1. Inability to focus limited development resources on product features that cater to the needs of nonprofit organizations.
  2. Less customer success expertise specifically for nonprofits. Because Textedly caters to a small amount of nonprofits, there will be missed opportunities to learn from nonprofits’ needs. From onboarding to customer success to send speed and mobile-responsive features, nonprofits need a text message marketing platform that understands their unique needs and constraints. 
  3. Lack of nonprofit partnerships.  Tatango is able to focus on partnering with organizations like Virtuous, Fundraise Up, Care 2, Good United, Nuclavis, and others who can bring education and solutions specifically for nonprofits. 

Tatango’s Unlimited Keywords and Users

Tatango offers unique benefits for nonprofits searching for a nonprofit text message marketing platform. 

A few benefits of using Tatango’s platform: 

  • Text messages that use full multimedia capabilities (images, GIFs, emojis, audio) with a 5000-character limit
  • Contact Card for branded personal relationship with subscribers keep your organization top of mind when you text your supporters.
  • PowerLinks offers your organization complete customization with the freedom to create your own parameter keys and values tailored to your specific campaign needs.

Why Tatango is the Top Choice for Nonprofit SMS Marketing

With Tatango, you can reach donors, volunteers, and event attendees instantly. Keep your constituents informed with updates, text-to-give appeals, and more. Using a text message marketing platform like Tatango’s allows you to develop an authentic one-on-one communication experience to strengthen your supporter relationships. Additionally, with hyperlinked donation pages, you can quickly raise a record number of small-dollar donations before an important deadline hits. Texting your supporters also allows you to turn one-time donors into recurring supporters and establish a sustainable donation pipeline that doesn’t rely on planned giving days alone. 

Advanced Messaging Capabilities: Tatango vs. Textedly

Tatango’s robust, nonprofit-built platform is perfect for enterprise nonprofits. With the ability to send thousands of text messages at scale, instantly, Tatango’s platform gets your important or urgent message when you need it most. 

Tatango vs Textedly nonprofit text message marketing platforms

Textedly’s Limitations for Nonprofit Organizations

Security and spam are two things we hear nonprofits voice concerns about repeatedly. Those concerns are absolutely valid. Nonprofits want to ensure that donor data is safe and secure. Additionally, they worry about being too invasive in their supporters’ lives when they send text messages. But statistics show that constituents want to hear from the nonprofits they support. Tatango’s compliance team is trained on the unique requirements for nonprofits and those opting into their text campaigns. Tatango also uses two-factor authentication, secure sending, and automated logout to safeguard your text messaging campaigns from unauthorized users and activity while also protecting your supporters’ valuable data. On the other hand, textedly’s basic SMS message is missing compliance information by not including  “Stop2End” on each message.  Additionally,their platform does not allow your organization to send contact cards. This can confuse your supporters if the text message is coming from a seemingly random phone number with no identifying information and also decreases your chance of open and engagement rates. 

 Case Studies and Testimonials: Nonprofit Success Stories with Tatango

From healthcare to animal welfare, environmental and crisis organizations, as well as faith-based and advocacy groups and higher education, Tatango works with nonprofits across sectors.  That means that they understand that you need a text message marketing partner who has the experience to help you maximize donations, not just around Giving Tuesday or the year-end giving season, but consistently raise donations throughout the year.

A healthcare organization such as March of Dimes can use texting to inform event participants about last-minute race day changes or share a video testimonial from a family showing how they were positively impacted by March of Dimes. An adoption-focused organization such as Holt International can use texting to highlight how its global mission can help unite families. Crisis communications are key for humanitarian organizations and text messages can be used to communicate needs with supporters asking for help in emergency situations or catastrophic disasters.

Wrapping Up

Nonprofits need the right tools and innovative communications channels as part of their omnichannel fundraising strategy. Tatango’s platform can successfully meet the unique needs of nonprofits across all sectors. Learn how you can use text message marketing as part of your digital fundraising campaigns to increase donations and maximize impact for your mission. Contact Tatango today. 


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